კიბერუსაფრთხოების გამოწვევების ანალიზი თანამედროვე სამხედრო კონფლიქტების ჭრილში

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ნანი არაბული
რომეო გალდავა
გიორგი კოხრეიძე


This paper examines cybersecurity challenges in the context of modern military conflicts, their impact on countries' defense capabilities, and the key directions that define successful cyber defense. The research analyzes critical infrastructure protection, government agency security, economic security, protection of democratic processes, and military advantage from a cybersecurity perspective. Special attention is paid to the statistical analysis of cyber-attacks based on modern conflicts, their forms, and impact on military operations. The paper also proposes an organizational structure model for cyber units, discusses the specifics of their defensive and offensive operations, and justifies the necessity of creating a specialized cyber unit in Georgia, which would significantly strengthen the country's defense capabilities.

cybersecurity, cybersecurity and military conflicts, cyber-attacks, cyber unit, critical infrastructure, defense capability
Published: Dec 16, 2024

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