ჩინეთის გავლენა მსოფლიო გეოპოლიტიკაში
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The paper describes the international system that was created after the Second World War and has almost completely changed, which is caused by the emergence of new, large states, the globalization of the economy, the historical shift of relative wealth and economic power from the West to the East, and the growing influence of non-state actors. In modern international politics, there is a global, multipolar system that is permanently undergoing changes. The author notes that in the post-bipolar era, the transformation of the global order has already approached its logical conclusion; The geopolitical transition and the unipolar system are over. It is in the background of the formation of this new world order that the main question is which countries have entered as new actors that determine the nature of this polarity. In this process, the importance of the People's Republic of China is already an established fact, and that is why it has become one of the key problems for ensuring international security in the modern era. How China was able to gain the status of a power of global influence, what role did the strengthening of its military potential play in this regard, and why today China plays an important role in maintaining security and peace in the world - we think, these are the important issues that require in-depth analysis.