Journal Systems<p>ჟურნალი მოიცავს თავდაცვის ანალიზს, უსაფრთხოების საკითხებს, მენეჯმენტს, ინფორმატიკას, მექანიკის ინჟინერიას, უსაფრთხოების კვლევებს, სახელმწიფო რესურსების მართვას.</p> Ion Implanted Neutron Detector of Semiconducting Silicon for National Defence and Security2025-02-10T10:52:10+04:00Anzor Guldamashvilibibliography@sciencelib.geGuram Bokuchava Bokuchavabibliography@sciencelib.geGiorgi Archuadze Archuadzebibliography@sciencelib.geYuri Nardaiabibliography@sciencelib.geAvtandil Sichinavabibliography@sciencelib.geRevaz Melkadzebibliography@sciencelib.geNodar<p>The ion implanted silicon planar diode with a p-n junction for neutron detection has been formed and studied. At the same time, the p-layer of diode is the converter of neutrons. A batch of diodes with the area of 1 and 0.25 cm2 is obtained (formed) by successive 10B ion implantation of monocrystalline Si. Ti and Au ohmic contacts of 100 and 140 nm are deposited on the p-n junction at a temperature of 623 K. The current-voltage characteristics of diodes were studied. At a reverse voltage of 20 V, the current leakage is 11.7-12 μA for 1 cm2 diodes and 8.44-9.55 μA for 0.25 cm2 diodes, respectively.<br>The first prototype of the detector electronic system has been developed and by using this system, the noise level and noise filtration methods for the switching power supply as well as the noise impact on sensitive analog parts of the detector, and different shielding methods of analog node have been determined. Based on the first prototype test results, a modified, functional prototype of the detector has been developed. The principle scheme has been modified and the printed circuit boards have been developed. The first version of the system management program has been developed.</p>2022-12-15T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2023 in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities2025-02-10T16:25:45+04:00Zurab Zerekidzebibliography@sciencelib.geNana Mdinaradzebibliography@sciencelib.geKetevan<p>The article provides an overview of the educational space of the post-Covid period in Georgia. The pandemic has put the world in front of a new reality; thus, higher education institutions have faced serious challenges. Online learning turned out to be the only way for safe education. All this required drastic changes in the management system of universities. Before the beginning of the academic year, the universities attempted to improve the available online services that was associated with certain difficulties. It must be noted that in many countries of the world, distance learning has been introduced for too long already and is being successfully implemented. Our country has had no experience in this regard, so it caused certain difficulties. There was a need to create electronic textbooks, virtual laboratories, and train the staff.<br>Considering the above mentioned, our aim is to study and evaluate the current situation in the educational system. We have analyzed the impact of the pandemic on various sectors of the educational system based on the studies available today. We also presented our vision and recommendations on the improvement of higher education.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022 Papers Temperature Thermoelectric Generator Based on SiGe Alloys2025-02-10T17:13:02+04:00Karlo Barbakadzebibliography@sciencelib.geGuram Bokuchavabibliography@sciencelib.geZurab Isakadzebibliography@sciencelib.geAza Kutsiabibliography@sciencelib.geირაკლი ტაბატაძეbibliography@sciencelib.geIrakli Tabatadzebibliography@sciencelib.geIrakli Tabatadzebibliography@sciencelib.geMeri<p>The article provides general information on the composition and working principle of the thermoelectric generator (TEG). The main nodes of the TEG are the thermocouple and the thermoelectric module. The article describes the construction and operating principle of the thermocouple and provides a schematic representation of a monolithic thermoelectric module containing 16 thermocouples. It also shows the dependence of the coefficient of performance of the thermoelectric material on its efficiency and the temperature difference between hot and cold ends. The viability for thermoelectric SiGe alloys for the development of high-temperature TEGs as well as the advantages of using SiGe alloys with low germanium content to produce widely used TEGs are demonstrated. The article describes the technology of making n - and p-type Si0.95Ge0.05 alloys, forming their commutative transitions and creating a monolithic thermoelectric module operating at the temperature of 900 °C. 6 modules containing 16 thermoelements are made using the mentioned technologies that have electrical insulation nodes connected to the cold ends. The article provides the energy characteristics of one of the thermoelectric modules that are measured under the conditions of using gas heater and water cooler. Prospective directions for the use of a TEG created based on the thermoelectric SiGe alloys are indicated.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022 Papers of the Mass Flow by Modeling the Flow of the Synthesized Material in the Deformation Center during SHS-Electrical Rolling of Special Purpose Metal-Ceramic Materials and Relevant Adjustment of the Synthesis and Rolling Speeds2025-02-10T11:30:42+04:00Zaqaria Melashvilibibliography@sciencelib.geTeimuraz Namicheishvilibibliography@sciencelib.geZurab Aslamazashvilibibliography@sciencelib.geGiorgi Parunashvilibibliography@sciencelib.geMikheil Chikhradzebibliography@sciencelib.geGiorgi<p>The study of mass flow during plastic deformation of metal-ceramic materials on the basis of Ti-B and Ti-BN system with SHS-electrical rolling is discussed in the work. Thermodynamic calculations determine the optimal composition of the cells and the parameters affecting the synthesis. A corrected empirical formula for determining the density of the case in the center of deformation, during the transition from the entry section to the exit section, is given. The so-called “negative” stretching event is analyzed and the length increase of the synthesized material is determined on the basis of different stretching regimes and changes in case density. Based on the condition of a constant distance of the intersection of the synthesis combustion front to the center of deformation (constant delay time), the change in the rolling speed at different synthesis speeds is calculated.</p>2022-12-15T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022 Essence of the Insurable Interest in the Insurance Agreement2025-02-10T16:55:24+04:00Tea<p>Insurance is an integral part of society’s social and economic relations. Its importance is increasing day by day. Taking into account the rhythm of modern life, individuals and legal entities need a guarantee that the damage caused to them as a result of an individual incident will be compensated. Insurance is a means of risk distribution and aims to protect a person from losses caused to him based on a negative event, to restore the situation that existed before the action that caused the damage.<br>The history of insurance dates back to ancient times, which is not surprising, since people have always had the desire to anticipate the probability of an event causing harm to them and to be prepared for such an event. Insurance was formed throughout the ages, taking into account the needs of individuals, problems raised in practice, and the main goal of physical or legal entities - risk reduction.<br>As of today, insurance is one of the most relevant legal relationships. The number of insurance companies on the market, the competition between them and the number of people seeking insurance are increasing. Therefore, studying the features of insurance is a very important issue.<br>Based on the above, the concept of insurable interest and its meaning is discussed in the paper. Insurable interest is a mandatory sign of insurance, which not only distinguishes insurance from other legal relationships, but is also a necessary prerequisite for issuing insurance compensation. Therefore, the purpose of the existence of insurable interest, its expression in practice, the influence of the doctrine of insurable interest on the development of insurance, and its relationship with the good faith of the insurer are discussed in the topic. The value of the insurance interest at the pre-contractual stage and at the time of occurrence of the insured event.<br>As a conclusion, the issues discussed in the topic, the issue of perfecting the legal regulation of insurance, the importance of insurable interest as a necessary element of an insurance contract and a mandatory prerequisite for issuing insurance compensation, and the role of the court in determining its existence are summarized.<br>The development of the doctrine of insurable interest will significantly increase the good faith of the parties in contractual relations, as well as the consumer’s confidence in the insurance market.</p>2022-12-15T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022 Essence of the Insurable Interest in the Insurance Agreement2025-02-10T17:01:11+04:00Irakli Leonidzebibliography@sciencelib.geKhatia<p>Insurance is an integral part of society’s social and economic relations. Its importance is increasing day by day. Taking into account the rhythm of modern life, individuals and legal entities need a guarantee that the damage caused to them as a result of an individual incident will be compensated. Insurance is a means of risk distribution and aims to protect a person from losses caused to him based on a negative event, to restore the situation that existed before the action that caused the damage.<br>The history of insurance dates back to ancient times, which is not surprising, since people have always had the desire to anticipate the probability of an event causing harm to them and to be prepared for such an event. Insurance was formed throughout the ages, taking into account the needs of individuals, problems raised in practice, and the main goal of physical or legal entities - risk reduction.<br>As of today, insurance is one of the most relevant legal relationships. The number of insurance companies on the market, the competition between them and the number of people seeking insurance are increasing. Therefore, studying the features of insurance is a very important issue.<br>Based on the above, the concept of insurable interest and its meaning is discussed in the paper. Insurable interest is a mandatory sign of insurance, which not only distinguishes insurance from other legal relationships, but is also a necessary prerequisite for issuing insurance compensation. Therefore, the purpose of the existence of insurable interest, its expression in practice, the influence of the doctrine of insurable interest on the development of insurance, and its relationship with the good faith of the insurer are discussed in the topic. The value of the insurance interest at the pre-contractual stage and at the time of occurrence of the insured event.<br>As a conclusion, the issues discussed in the topic, the issue of perfecting the legal regulation of insurance, the importance of insurable interest as a necessary element of an insurance contract and a mandatory prerequisite for issuing insurance compensation, and the role of the court in determining its existence are summarized.<br>The development of the doctrine of insurable interest will significantly increase the good faith of the parties in contractual relations, as well as the consumer’s confidence in the insurance market.</p>2022-12-15T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022 Soviet ad hoc Troikas (Triplets), Their Meetings and Varieties2025-02-11T11:50:56+04:00Leri<p>The present article deals with the phenomenon of the Soviet government - the ad hoc commissions and the terror of the time. Despite the constitutional legislative norm of the time of the Soviet Union where the branches of government and their functions were defined in a more or less clear way, the so-called “Judicial” Bodies - dvoikas and troikas - were introduced beyond the supreme law in the form of commissions and deliberative bodies based on an act of a much lower level of normative hierarchy. In many cases, the decision made by the commissions was radical and easy to reach; therefore it was not associated with difficulties in terms of execution. Unfortunately, it should be noted that despite the heavy sanction of the decision, the commission bore to relation to the judicial authority and their “judgment” was one of repression and terror, not justice. The decisions made by the high-ranking government officials, supposedly in a commission manner, were final and not subject to appeal that was unfair and illegal itself.</p>2022-12-15T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022 on Consumer Protection - A Step Forward to the EU Integration2025-02-11T12:19:15+04:00Lika<p>In the contemporary world along with developing the technologies, commerce and business transactions are slowly moving towards full digitalization. After this fundamental changes, it is crucial to protect the rights of consumers in commercial relationships. A consumer is considered to be a vulnerable side of the transaction because he/her does not have a bargaining power. After the digitalization of commercial activities, already<br>vulnerable consumer becomes more vulnerable, Therefore, In order to protect the rights of consumers, effective and complete legislation is needed. The legislation that will be oriented towards modern challenges is crucial in order to strengthen the protection of consumer rights.<br>For more than 10 years, between 2012 and 2022, Georgia lacked consumer legislation. In 2022 Georgian legislators made a decision and adopted the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. The adoption was caused by the country’s desire to integrate in EU and, moreover, the actual need of regulations in the field of consumer rights. The law is aligned with all the relevant EU acquis.</p>2022-12-15T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022 Problem of Separation of Torture (1441 of the Criminal Code) and Coercion to Give an Explanation, Testimony or Conclusion (335 of the Criminal Code) in Theory and Georgian Practice2025-02-11T12:24:00+04:00Mariam<p>In the modern world, an increasing attention is paid to creating appropriate conditions for the protection and realization of basic human rights, freedoms, and legal interests. It is worth noting that Georgia took a progressive step in this regard and undertook the obligation to harmonize its legislation with the relevant international norms, which subsequently allowed us to understand the separate scientific provisions of the national criminology in a new way, to change the priorities of the modern criminal law policy, and to adapt all of this to the challenges that Georgia is facing today in criminal law. It is no coincidence that the rights and freedoms of human beings and citizens are in the first place in the list of values protected by the criminal law of Georgia. As for the norms determining the criminal responsibility for a crime committed against a person, they are presented in the private part of the Code.<br>The criminal law of Georgia has undergone some changes and by June 23, 2005, the article on torture (1441) was added to the Criminal Code that was under the regulation of Article 126 of the old version of the Criminal Code. In spite of the fact that the mentioned novation, on the one hand, contributed to the process of harmonization with international norms, on the other hand, it gave rise to certain types of problems, which in practice were mainly manifested in the issue of qualification of criminal actions.<br>After introducing the mentioned novation, the main question arose in the doctrine and practice - how to evaluate the action of an official who used torture or threat of it for giving a testimony.<br>Considering the relevance and acuteness of the problem, the main purpose of the present paper is to discuss the basic problem related to the institutions of torture and official crime (Article 335 of the Civil Code). For attaining this goal, first of all, a systematic study of the mentioned topic will be proposed.<br>In addition, the main part of the paper will be devoted to the analysis of an important issue such as the relationship between these two norms and their application in doctrine and Georgian judicial practice. For better analysis, specific examples from Georgian judicial practice and the judgments developed by the court will be provided. Analyzing all of this will reveal the legal consequence resulting from these “gaps” in the law.<br>At the end of the paper, we will talk about specific recommendations that would prevent “misunderstandings” in practice in case of future legislative regulation and would contribute to the establishment of sound judicial practice</p>2022-12-15T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022 and Legal Aspects of Life Insurance2025-02-11T12:30:22+04:00Nino<p>The article discusses social and legal aspects of life insurance. The aim of this study is to analyze problematic issues related to life insurance, which I believe, are abundant in practice today.<br>Despite the fact that it is impossible to evaluate the human life with monetary amount, however, life insurance suggests a certain amount of money that will be received by those beneficiaries who are dependent on the owner of such insurance. This type of insurance is related to the special right – life. Therefore, it is natural that the issues arising from life insurance should be especially regulated and protected.<br>Despite the impression that the matters on life insurance seem to be well regulated in Georgian civil legislation, if we try to deeply examine their essence, we would see that many problematic issues are present, that arise especially in practice. Therefore, while writing this paper, I will try to use both Georgian and foreign legislation as well as historical and legal and comparative legal analysis.<br>I believe that the issues under examination are definitely problematic and critical, and the practice outlined in this paper enables to fill the gaps in this field. Therefore, the conclusive part will summarize the research findings, identified problems and some kind of recommendations to solve these problems.</p>2022-12-15T00:00:00+04:00Copyright (c) 2022