Regulation on Consumer Protection - A Step Forward to the EU Integration

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Lika Moralishvili


In the contemporary world along with developing the technologies, commerce and business transactions are slowly moving towards full digitalization. After this fundamental changes, it is crucial to protect the rights of consumers in commercial relationships. A consumer is considered to be a vulnerable side of the transaction because he/her does not have a bargaining power. After the digitalization of commercial activities, already
vulnerable consumer becomes more vulnerable, Therefore, In order to protect the rights of consumers, effective and complete legislation is needed. The legislation that will be oriented towards modern challenges is crucial in order to strengthen the protection of consumer rights.
For more than 10 years, between 2012 and 2022, Georgia lacked consumer legislation. In 2022 Georgian legislators made a decision and adopted the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. The adoption was caused by the country’s desire to integrate in EU and, moreover, the actual need of regulations in the field of consumer rights. The law is aligned with all the relevant EU acquis.

Consumer Rights, European Union, Unfair Commercial Practice, Right to withdraw from contracts, Right to be informed
Published: Dec 15, 2022

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