The role of reservist units in total defense

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Gocha Batadze


As it is known, today Georgia has two types of reserves, active and mobilization reserve. The active reserve specifically includes the reserve of specialists and the union of volunteer population selected on the territorial principle, that is, the territorial reserve, who are enrolled in the territorial defense units of the National Guard of the Defense Forces of the Ministry of Defense of Georgia. Law of Georgia - according to the Defense Code.
Mentioned units (territorial defense battalions) are located according to the regions of Georgia and they are staffed by the population living in the region, whose registration, assembly and retraining are carried out according to the rules established by law and according to the plans and schedules prepared in advance in the units.
Joining the territorial defense units is voluntary, by signing a 4-year contract. These units unite Georgian citizens of different ages, professions, nationalities and religions. Training meetings help the citizens of one region, who are members of the territorial reserve, to get to know each other better, get closer and unite as a team, which is a prerequisite for the formation of capable units, which units will be used, if necessary, to support local self-government as part of the defense forces of the country during emergency situations, natural disasters and during the state of war in the country. And all measures taken for defense.
The present article deals with the presentation of the role of territorial defense units in the general context of total defense, in parallel with the ongoing reforms in the defense system of Georgia, and their importance in terms of strengthening the country's defense capability, which in their essence represent the so-called part of total defense, the implementation of which was announced by the Government of Georgia years ago.

active reserve, territorial reserve, civil defense, military defense, total defense
Published: Dec 16, 2024

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