Operative Principles of Division of the Territory of Georgia by Districts and the Main Directions of their Implementation

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Johnny Firtskhalaishvili


Continental and naval theaters of military operations, air zones, strategic and operational directions and tactical areas are considered to be a battle arena of the armed forces.
It has become an organic part of modern military art. This is due to the fact that the rational deployment of the armed forces and the creation of military infrastructure in the spatial framework, by predicting the level of military danger and threat, which derives from the interests of defense, is defined as one of the most important directions of military construction.
Based on the interests of military security, the operational arrangement of the country’s territory is a multifaceted and complex problem.
The division of the country’s territory according to operational districts aims to ensure the implementation of training measures for the state and its armed forces in case of war, in order to carry out mobilization, combat training and management of troops more purposefully.
By operational zoning, we mean the division of the country’s territory in order to increase the efficiency of defense. Operational zoning has a crucial importance in the defense system of the country.
First of all, it corresponds to the country’s politics, economy, threats, military plans; Allows the government to carry out effective military management of the country, during emergency or war operations.
Second, even in peacetime, these areas will be prepared in accordance with the defense plan, taking into account the full spectrum of military-engineering and other provision.
Thirdly, during emergency situations in a particular region, it enables response by local forces.
And finally, local self-government bodies and population will be involved in the case.

Georgia, division of the country’s territory, region, territory, plan
Published: Dec 22, 2023

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